By Dr. A. Carbonell
Please make sure to check your email daily, you will occasionally receive an email entitled “high risk radiology reports. “ Please review this email for your teamlet and make sure to review any high-risk imaging (i.e. imaging that is concerning for malignancy). This alerts you to be sure to arrange follow-up with the appropriate specialist, biopsy etc.
From time to time you will also get email regarding patient advocate complaints. The reasons for these will vary, these must be addressed, and the email must be responded to in the way that it was addressed (i.e. the patient was called and offered an appointment, the patient was called and the situation was discussed and handled, etc.). At times the patient will asked to change panel, this will be addressed by your section chief. If you have any concerns about how to address a patient advocate complaint, please discussed with your section chief on how to proceed
All physicians are audited on a regular basis for quality and compliance, rarely an outside auditing firm will generate a report regarding things that must be addressed. Similar to patient advocate complaints, these must be addressed in the email must be responded to to confirm that the issue has been addressed.