By Dr. A. Carbonell
1. Click the “orders” tab at the bottom of the screen on CPRS
2. On the left-hand side of the screen there is a menu that has multiple imaging modalities
a. Common Radiology PCC has pre-completed x-ray orders
b. CT Menu has pre-completed CT scan options
c. MRI exams has pre-completed MRI options, note that the MRI questionnaire must be completed with the patient in order for the ordered to be processed
d. Mammograms & Dexa as the mammograms and DEXA options, when ordering a mammogram be sure to clarify screening versus diagnostic
e. Sonograms has all sonograms EXCEPT for dopplers, these are ordered through consults
I. Consults => NIVS procedures – make sure to select from the CP NIVS Outpatient Procedures for anything within the next 90 days and from the CP NIVS Future care Outpt procedures menu for any procedures greater than 90 days out.
f. UGI/Preps is used for swallow evaluations
g. Nuclear medicine is used for bone scans, HIDA scans, thyroid uptake scans, etc.
h. PET imaging orders are for PET scans
i. Rad/Nuc Med Scan - this menu is used to order basically any imaging study that may not be present in any of the menus above
I. Click on this option then select the imaging type from the drop-down menu
II. Then you can select the imaging procedure or free text imaging procedure
III. Make sure to pick the appropriate modifier if necessary
IV. Type in the reason for study
V. Type in the date desired (T for Today or t+1m for 1 month, etc.)
VI. Urgency will be routine (you cannot order stat imaging as an outpatient)
VII. Category is outpatient
VIII. Submit to (Select the appropriate location for the imaging study)
Spirometry – Consults respiratory care and diagnostic consults
• Pulmonary function testing, spirometry, 6-minute walk test and methacholine challenge can be ordered through here
Cardiac Imaging - Consults => Cardiology Consults and Non-Invasive Procedures
• Echo’s, Stress Tests, Holter’s can be ordered through here
General Pointers:
• Imaging cannot be ordered more than 12 months ahead of time (T+12m is a maximum time for which an imaging study can be ordered)