By Dr. A. Carbonell

Things that the patient must go to Tampa for:
1. Canes
2. Walkers
3. TENS units (They must be taught how to use by the prosthetician)

***Electric scooters cannot be issued by primary care – they must be evaluated by seating and mobility to see if they qualify, they can call and self-schedule at ext. 1025

Tampa Prosthetics requests
Orders => Consults => prosthetics Requests
Then there is a list of everything you can get.
Note PT/Prosthetics Request must be used for canes, crutches, TENS units
The Prosthetics Request option can be used for anything else

Examples of things available to you:
• Braces (knee, back, ankle, tennis elbow, wrist, shoulder sling, etc.)
• Heating pad
• Blood pressure cuff
• Diabetic shoes and socks
• Shoe inserts/heel cups
• Compression stockings

Lakeland prosthetics request:
Orders => Consults => Lakeland Consults => Lakeland Orthotics
(this will give you a list of everything available here) – but if you want something else not on that list click on the last options “Other Orthotic Order” and free type what you would like

Things available in Lakeland:
1. Heating pads – better to have them mailed to patient
2. Braces (knee, ankle, etc.) – they must be fitted and need an appointment
3. Insoles - they must be fitted and need an appointment
4. Diabetic shoes - they must be fitted and need an appointment – must be PAVE 2/3
5. Compression stockings- they must be fitted and need an appointment

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