By Dr. A. Carbonell

All imaging completed at the VA will have a report generated in CPRS. To view all imaging go to the reports tab, then “Imaging (local only).” All reports completed at James a Haley VA of sonograms, CT scans and MRIs will be here. If a CT scan, MRI or sonogram was completed at an outside hospital and was submitted for scanning the reports will be under Intellispace, please refer to the instructions below to access those reports.

This is the software where scanned data from outside source and certain procedures done at JAHVA such as colonoscopy, EGDs, pulmonary function testing, sleep studies, echocardiograms, vascular studies are found. To find vista imaging, go to the tools menu and a drop down appears. Choose “imaging” then “vista imaging” and the program will open up. At the top of the new screen a list of documents will be seen, choose the appropriate study you wish to view by double clicking on it.

If you would like to look at a CT scan or an MRI (the actual images) you can log in through Intellispace. Access this from the tools menu, choose imaging and the first option is Intellispace. You will have to login with the same general login that U used to access the computer (VHATAM….). IT requires you to reevaluate this login every 90 days however you can bypass this by calling IT and asking for a permanent PIV exception to skip this step.

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