By Dr. A. Carbonell
1. Click on Notes tab => New Note
2. New Visit (Please select the appropriate administrative encounter for your work site)
a. Lak Admin Clinic - Lakeland
b. TPA Administrative – PCA and Main Hospital
3. Select “Test results notification” as a note title
4. Select the Name/Address of the patient (check box next to the name address), select what you reviewed (labs, imaging, etc.) or Free type what you want to send to the patient or insert a template.
5. Once you are done, Sign the letter. The letter will then print to a central location and will be sent automatically to the patient
*** It is VA policy that all patients be informed of lab and imaging results within 14 days of their completion. If the patient has an upcoming appointment and the labs are addressed at the appointment this meets the requirement BUT if you do not send a letter you run the risk that the patient may cancel the appointment and they will be unaware of the results. Therefore, the safest bet is to send a letter every time results complete even if they are completely normal and require no further follow-up. *** If the patient does require follow-up (labs, imaging, etc.) It is best to order the repeat at the time you review the results to ensure that they are properly scheduled. Imaging will be automatically scheduled by radiology, but the patient will have to make her own lab appointment. If you would like for your clerk to call the patient to make a lab appointment, sign the note then make an addendum and cosign your clerk to make the patient a lab appointment at the appropriate time.
• Negative FIT tests, Negative LDCT’s, Negative AAA screening and Normal mammograms/pap smears are among the most common things that you will send letters for. I suggest making a template for each of these that can easily be populated into the test results notification letter
• I also have templates for hyperlipidemia, elevated blood sugar, etc. with recommendations for diet and a disclaimer that I will discus further with them at their upcoming appointment. I use this template often as not only does it inform the patient of the results, but it also lets them know that it is important to keep their upcoming appointment for that you can discuss their management.
• **You can use this function even at HOME as long as you use the TEST RESULTS NOTIFICATION note title** .